Spiritual ebooks
Spiritual ebooks

The Path of Empowerment is my favorite channeled book from Marciniak and I resonate with it more than some of her more recent work. This is a book channeled with Pleiadians, a collective of multidimensional beings from the Pleiades star system. The Path of Empowermentby Barbara Marciniak


Read this to move through fear and step into your full light as a creative spiritual being. It looks at blocks on the creative path and does a beautiful job of sharing the creative process and lighting that creative spark within you. This book is all about creativity and I'm including it on this list because it's so important on the ascension path of spiritual growth to step into your role as creator.īig Magic looks at the source of creativity. This is a more recent book that really resonated with me. Zukav clearly illustrates how as humanity evolves we are learning to pursue authentic power which originates within, rather than external power based upon our five senses. This is a beautiful book about tuning into your soul power and soul light and using it to create beautiful experiences on your awakening journey and in your life. Know that this book has an incredible energy as well. Maybe you didn't like The Secret, and so you didn't check out The Power. Byrne shares the power of love and how sending love out allows love to return to you multiplied.Īs the name implies, this book is powerful. The Power is the book that follows The Secret. There is gold in there, so if you haven't already, check this one out. I’ve read more from Deepak Chopra, but this is by far my favorite book that he has published. It's about attracting abundance, success, and manifesting your dreams. I first listened to it as an audio book and found myself taking notes rapidly because it is power-packed. This is one of the early spiritual texts I read. The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra It is a compilation of channeled teachings from Orin through Sanaya Roman and I highly recommend it. There is such a powerful vibration throughout this entire book. As you read the channeled words from Orin, your mind is uplifted, your heart opens, and you experience incredible light and peace. When I first read it, it literally lit me up. Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self by Sanaya Roman Reading The Celestine Prophecy helped me to understand my gift as an empath and to recognize when others were trying to get energy from me versus getting power direct from source. It is a fun read that has an incredible level of truth. It has powerful teachings and exercises that guide you to release past patterns, emotional responses, and negativity so you can experience a powerful shift. This is a fantastic book that connects at the intersection of neuroscience and spirituality. It is a powerful prose in to discovering the freedom and truth of who you really are. The Unthered Soul is a beautiful journey in to inner space to unlock from limitations and perceived boundaries. A miracle within reach awaiting you to tune in to. The Miracle of Mindfulness is a dive into mindfulness and discovering the magic of living fully aware in the present moment. His writing is deep, beautiful, simple, and yet so profound.

Spiritual ebooks